The South Wales branch was founded in 1955 as the Cardiff branch of the NCSS. The branch currently has about 80 members, but we’re always happy to welcome new members as well as anyone who is curious about us and would like to find out more!
We meet on the third Wednesday of each month (except January and February) at the Cyncoed Methodist Church, Westminster Crescent (corner of Cyncoed Road), Cardiff, CF23 6SE.
See our contact us page for more details of how to find us.
The majority of meetings feature talks by invited speakers, but we occasionally have table shows or meetings on cultivation techniques, and the December meeting is reserved for our AGM. See our events page for full details.
We hold a competitive table show at most meetings and full details are on our table show page.
If you are anywhere in the South Wales area do come along and see what our meetings are all about. You will always be very welcome.